Da es immer wieder Probleme mit dem Download auf der Projektseite von Instructables gibt, habe ich die PDF Datei auch hier mal hinterlegt.
Wer den Hirsch nicht schneiden, falten und kleben will, kann ihn auch mit einem 3D-Drucker ausdrucken. Die STL Daten habe ich bei Pinshape hochgeladen.
After numerous requests on my instructable project page, I have uploaded the PDF for the faceted deer here.
If you don’t feel like cutting, folding and glueing the head, you can 3D-print it also. the required STL files are on Pinshape.
I want to build this but I had a question. What is the difference between the point lines an the „line-point“ lines?
Nochmal auf deutsch: welcher ist der unterschied zwischen den gestrichelten Linien und die „gepunktete“ Linien? Muss man beide falten?
Thank you for your answer!
Please look here:/ Da habe ich das mal aufgeschrieben.:Papercraft Pepakura Help Desk
how big does it end up when made in A3 paper?
Big, take a look at the screenshots on Instructable. Somewhere on the bottom are the calculated dimensions.
gibts die Datei zufällig auch als .PDO Datei?
Wäre gut um zu sehen, welches Teil wo hingehört.
Very nice thanks
Thanks for the templates I will be waiting for more fabulous works
hi do you have a plan for the body too
No, I don’t. It would be way too big for our house. 😉
Hi Jan,
I made your deer head a while ago and it looks very good on my wall! While looking at Etsy I came across your model at the shop Verticees. Don’t you think it is wrong that it is sold there for profit?
Kind regards,
Well, someone took the tutorial and made one themselves and sells it now. There’s nothing wrong with that other than that is doesn’t show a lot of creativity.
I have made it and finished it with leather! He is awesome!!
If you send me your email adress I will send you a picture!
Hey i just tried to make deer head and it is awesome. Thanks for the template
I am from India
Lot’s of love to you…….
Thank you for templates
I really tried hard..
Thank you.
l think your idea is very good,thankyou for your pdf.
Very good post. I’m dealing with some of these issues as well..
This is great! I always wondered how those giant paper heads were made – Thanks Jan
Dear Jan, thankyou so much for the deer head paper model. I have not made it yet. Waiting for new printer. But shall soon. Anyway thankyou again for all the info on your site and models.x
I’m so happy you have the pattern posted here. I’m going to try to make it.
Thank you Jan for you generosity
Isabel from Porto, Portugal
Thanx you ?
Man u r god… Thanxs… I was searching this all round the web.. Thank u Instructables 🙂
Hey, thanks for uploading the instructions! Ever since I discovered Papercraft, I always wanted to do this deer! I very like the white and blue combination you decided to use, so I’ve got one question: could you please tell me which pages of the pdf need to be printed on blue paper and which ones need to be printed on white paper in order to get the same result as you did? Thanks alot in advance, Jette
Thank you so much
Hi Jan, awesome paper deer you made – thanks a million for sharing, will definitely squeeze in a weekend for this magic sculpture!
Quick question from my side: if I wanted to build the same one as blue & white paper deer, which pages would need to be printed in blue and which pages would need to be printed in white?
Thanks a lot for your help and have a nice weekend!
Please take a look at the Instructable, it is mentioned there somewhere. I think the last four but better check.
Hey, ab welcher PDF Seite muss ich auf ein anderstfarbiges Papier drucken, damit dass Geweih eine andere Farbe hat?
Ich glaube die letzten vier, aber besser noch mal auf Instrucatbles nachschauen. Hab’s nicht mehr im Kopf.
you are amazing. thank you so so so much.
thanks for the pdf! Could you please tell me which are the antlers so that I could print them in different colour? I can´t say it from uncut paper.
Please take a look at the Instructable, it is mentioned there somewhere. I think the last four but better check.
Page 14-15
hoi,wauw, maar kunt u ook aan een free oliefantenkop komen om te downloaden. mij lukt het niet, van uit instructables.
Kunnen Sie auch fut die Elefant-kop Eline downloaden fut moch
inch schaffe es nicht,
grosse Asus Holland
The Elefant is not my design, sorry that’s why I can’t share it.
Have you created these? Are you okey that someone sells theese on ebay? FYI, there is someone in Sweden that sells these on our ebay (tradera.se) for 150 SEK (15 EUR) each.
The license does not permit anyone to sell my template. If they have done their own template they can sell it of course. I do not have the time to track down everyone that offers my template. People have done so on every continent by now.
Karma will work it out in the end… 😉
On which pages are the horns?
Please take a look at the Instructable, it is mentioned there somewhere. I think the last four but better check.
Hey we were planning to use your deer head template for a 3D illusion for an intra-school design competition. Are we allowed to use your template for it??
Sure, it is under a Creative Commons license
Hi ! I am very new to low poly and I want to make a faceted animal. I am following your Create Faceted Papercraft-objects tutorial @ Instructables, but I don´t know where the CMD, ESK key are, in order to use them. Please can you explain a little more on these keys? Thank you for reading.
They are on the left side of your keyboard.
Is it just on my Mac or a few pages in the PDF had the edges cut off by margins? For example on the second page of the document (first shape of the design), edge # 90 is off the page. I tried opening it with 2 different PDF programs and I’m seeing the same thing.
Thank you!
The templates are made for DIN A formats. If you are using a different format scale it to fit.
Is there any way to decimate the model with it retaining symmetry?
You could only use one half decimate it and mirror it back again.